Anon 09/18/2018 (Tue) 22:43:19 No.2065 del
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>I deiced to reply to the politics here as this could open a can of worms and I don't want to put to many replies in your project thread.
truly appreciated gesture. No seriously, thanks. I have kept a normal style of replies in the project thread after reading this. However, you are seeing that this is not only politics and it has a different perspective this time.

>The "hands up don't shoot" I take it? Or something unrelated to back lives matter?
not a bad guess. In fact, the same organization of BLM also paid those protests, or basically yeah, BLM to sum it up. I only knew the Podesta case and masonry behind the Republican party back in October. This is important because these factors of changing my opinion along with my friend would be because of masonic actions from the elites and a scary background behind Hillary, we changed the opinion in less than two weeks (and we don´t even live there!). We wouldn´t have voted the Republican party for ourselves but we preferred for Trump to win as a lesser evil of both sides.
The lie that actually made an impact was during the post election weekend, November 12th. Organized protests from BLM, with media support and causing property damage in the streets. I was just overwhelmed about that rage they showed.
Consider that the mediums I used for getting information were /pol/ and The Donald like no tomorrow (inb4 going to reddit). I was amazed when I heard about those protesters getting paid 30$ per hour, even 40$.

That little detail showed me that protests were a blatant lie controlled by the system, they feel limited and even manipulated to challenge the system with a fake look of doing something for you. I found out that they didn´t fight for anyone, they didn´t accept the results of a democratic system and they actually ruin the original purpose of a protest. Turns out that I found out that those people could be from somewhere else who are not aware nor care about the country like one proper US voter would do. If you were paid like that, of course you would do such things because that´s a good business for an entire day.

I don´t know...I knew I warmed up with politics from 2015 onwards and I could keep my mood for the most part. Just that I got obsessed with it and I discovered that some little conspiracies were actually showing a part of the truth. I didn´t want to believe it and I struggled to jump onto conclusions if I was having the silver hat or if this was a truth I wouldn´t have liked to see. Whatever I thought or doing (summaries of inorganic chemistry, music...), I felt trapped during that weekend. I just couldn´t handle that dark side of politics and felt naked psychologically. I don´t believe in apocalypses but that was the most claustrophobic moment I have had with an adult brain. It all happened in the same room I am sitting on right now, a bedroom of 6 square meters