Anon 10/15/2018 (Mon) 20:49:14 No.2274 del
I wanted to add some extra thoughts about this season and I think this will speak for the political side of this material analyzed.

MLP- Friendship is Magic
Season 8- Guide Book for a Civilized Contemporary Society

There is a very peculiar pattern from this show that could be really exploited in order to judge it and we seem to have seen it in that way: politics.

MLP has entered into politics as /mlpol/ predicted...just that it isn´t the simple way like the US elections in 2016, where the SJW and progressive forces would win in the end. Here, the show has taken a political path that goes beyond the cliches expected, it takes an universal view about our society.

Not saying that this show is profound or that deep nor groundbreaking to create an important influence. In fact, one great achievement is that it doesn´t always take itself too seriously and it rotates the message with tons of humor, mundane character interactions, legends and myths, a school setup and tons of different characters.
Yet, whenever you watch it, while here we have described the message hidden, it subtly displays it while you are comfortably watching it and you feel good for finding an escape to the usual routine. FiM has survived tons of challenges and this one is no exception: they have managed to find a natural dynamic to blend its universe and send a realistic message that represents a certain sector of any audience that is easily interpreted as such for the viewer.

If you notice the episodes, they vary from:
-Punch in the face and question the education system (School Daze)
-How parasites act and take advantage of good people (Father Knows Beast)
-How to grow up and say hi to your unavoidable maturity (Molt Down)
-How you take responsibility and run a business you may not be an expert (Fake it until you make it)

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