Anon 11/19/2018 (Mon) 22:05:17 No.2582 del
>what I am linking
I don´t want to dox nor anything like that, because that´s a cheap tactic nor I encourage aaany army (/pone/ nor any chan has been the personal army of anyone)but I am for sure that I have not invented those lines.

>Sometimes it´s not the material what I value the most but the artist´s mentality as well.
and I will prove that statement.

You know, I like checking what new pictures are on that tag (I am sucker of that species, I am not going to lie)

But anyway, here´s the actual matter. I may be harsh on the previous post but I have my lax/nice side as well.

The image itself didn´t interest me that much at first because you know, I wanted movie characters content but what changed my opinion was how the artist said this:

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