Anon 11/20/2018 (Tue) 00:10:15 No.2588 del
>What we have now feels like a curious experiment. We build something. Something which is larger and stronger than we thought, yet we have no idea where it going or what to do with it.
it´s an experiment that has no direction. We have created a seed that it will go somewhere or maybe not, but the thing is that it´s stayed present on endchan for almost a year in the first page. An experiment that has taken over an alternative chan. That´s all I can say but I cannot define what this board truly is or was meant to be.

>It's fine as long we don't tire ourselves and keep it manageable, but it still doesn't answer the question.
yeah, let´s hope we can keep that way. Unfortunately, I can´t find any answers to the whole root of this either, metaphysically speaking.

>I'm working on two full stories at once, plus one shitposty one on the side is a testament to that, plus REDACTED
someone is going to surprise me. Wow, that´s a strong bet to take. Someone wants to the get the /end/ crown by the end of this year.

>I cannot say how much, I can say this place had an influence on me. Never thought I'd ever have greens I'd wanna post or other such aspirations in the sort term that's for sure.
that´s....quite relevant. Much more than you think. This is why I had certain fears of influencing badly someone else. My vision has changed countless times anytime I have been posting her and I never thought I would take the lead of something (even if it´s minor, I have usually taken the role of filling groups and ending up as a secondary person) and inspiring others for opening their own routes.
A minor influence yet Celestia knows what you are going to bring next because of this.

I honestly don´t know how to answer whenever I hear that I have influenced someone else.