Anon 11/24/2018 (Sat) 10:00:33 No.2652 del
>I had to look for myself. WHAT THE F#$%! See I censored myself. That scares me.
nigger,that should worry you. Oh wait, did I use the incorrect word for PC fags?

I mean, there is autocensorship (used for comedy purposes with the beep sound) but forced censorship isn´t that good. However, I think that people should be able to tell between liberty and debauchery, and people without much critical thought often use the second term.

You should be able to hate and express your distaste about anything, because nothing nor nobody is safe of any sin. However, the left is pushing the limits by establishing their superiority to the rest. Like saying: "You can criticize the others, that´s freedom of speech but not me nor my side, that´s hateful speech" And when they go beyond the limits, they harshly blame the judgmental system as fascist when they have gone too far.

It´s complicated stuff but it´s no wonder we are all worried about censoring ones and establish their words superior to the rest. It sucks.

>I don't go there very often anymore but it's awful if this is going where I think it is. I can see the blue boards turning into PC marketing crap in a few years if they are getting ready for an adverting push.
people theorize in /qa/ that he is doing it for marketing purposes and add more advertisements or contracts to companies and put apart the most unappealing board for the signers.
Basically a shill movement for money that goes against the rules of the same site. I don´t know where this is going to land in practice nor for how much time it will stay as that. I don´t like doomposting but while 4chan has been losing its identity slowly, these movement boost that loss and turn it into another copy of Reddit.

>Discord and Discord sounds like an untaped meme with potential.
We haven´t thought that much about it honestly. There is some potential to it indeed.

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