Anon 12/10/2018 (Mon) 05:40:49 No.2748 del
>It was a painful realization to make.
>The Princess weren't saints, but to many they were seen like gods.
>There was much pain at the first advocates for change.
>They were ostracized, sometimes silenced, but the seeds were planted.
>The spread of mass media was a key factor.
>Tabloid critique and rumors became a national passtime.
>Mockery lowered the princess' of their high horses, if you will.
>It was a little at first, but it was there.
>And planted the seeds for later.
>How snobbishness of their elite that they had propped up around them.
>How ineffective they were.
>How selfish.
>How petty.
>You get the picture.