Anon 12/10/2018 (Mon) 06:46:11 No.2760 del
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>The protest had been getting worse.
>A grassroots wave swept the nation, several towns even electing new governments controlled by the Trust and Safety party.
>Fillydelphia had violent riots.
>Canterlot had protests when the royal guard allowed it. This is where the party focused it's efforts.
>The party tried to keep things peaceful and bloodless.
>Civil obedience when the royal guard tried to kick them, perhaps I should say by this point us, out of the streets.
>Tried to keep as many of the right pieces in place, ready to strike.
>We now finally called for the formal resignation of all three of the Equestrian based princesses openly (Cadence was excluded from this do to none of the opposition groups having a strong presence in the Crystal Empire, her support there was too strong).
>We demanded a transitional chancellor be put in place.
>We demanded a commission to investigate the wrong doings of the elite. This demand was watered down from our ideal plans of mass arrests, but it was foolish to think we'd have any chance if we threatened too many ponies when the princesses were the main obstacle that needed to be removed and we needed all the support we could get.
>We offered the princesses a full pardon of all crimes if they gave up all there secrets and where fully transparent to all future threats facing our nation.