Anon 12/26/2018 (Wed) 22:42:09 No.2917 del
>The trip was canceled last minute. Still some things up in the water on things but it looks like I'll be a bit more active than I thought I would!
well, that sure has to pay off.....and we have the ending marathon you promised in the other thread. The /end/ arrived at the 300 mark last year, now road to the 3000!....this is going to hurt, am I right?

>I have the idea this time.
Candy...I...I don´t know. That pink skin doesn´t comfort me. It seems that Chrysalis is posting over here or worse.... that your fangs are hidden inside that happy face. You were almost sacked from the 4chan Cup team for a reason...

>I mean there were a couple of posters that were clearly separate, but the random semi friendly one off comments and questions, it would make sense.
yeah, it´s a bit hard to tell them because of how little info or intentions they have but with those signs, I think one of the site volunteers has found a board to moderate....and mess up a little bit with us. He´s lucky though, not many boards entertain much around here.

>And a worthy, if not simple one.
HI Anon is conquering us and you both are not helping at stopping it... hold me!