Anon 01/05/2019 (Sat) 00:08:55 No.3123 del
>I've always pretended to be very inwardly focused and distracted, but in reality I can easily keep track of conversations on the otherside of the room and people don't whisperer as well as they think they do..
that technique is so subtle and secretly kept that no one notices yet there is fake silence that keeps going on.
I am showing myself more over here mostly because it´s not only useless but a move to treat as a joke. One can pretend to be deaf and move on, but the lurkers notice and understand much better the thread than the participants in it.

>this goes to show that by extent all moderation is somewhat arbitrary. It's called 'pragmatism'
is there any better guide book than that. Other than the rules established, how do you measure what should be or not be banned?

>Don't get me started on all the pretend-to-not-have-heard and pretend-not-to-have-heard I'm pulling off all the time
seeing where you come from, you could basically end the thread at explaining it.

>As a former dogowner, I generally approve of this notion
weirdly enough, in my town there were almost no dogs barking in the 3 hours of firecrackers when I was outside. I was a dogowner as well until 2013 and save the safety restrictions, each to their own with common sense.

Obviously the noise was getting calmer and less frequent over time and there were no incidents. No big fireworks around unless someone threw them during the first New Year minutes all at once.