Anon 01/06/2019 (Sun) 23:15:02 No.3145 del
>Got anything particular in mind?
okay instead ofshilling myself, I will reply with how Bridgefag saw them. I am telling you their details and you decide for yourself, most of them are in the OP.

Bridgefag has two fics written so far:

Cadencebat >>1184 that describes how the princess deal with a transformation that appeals to her and is kind of selfish on her part. The most tense events happen when she transforms and has to hide her secret in her routine

the last fic written in Decemeber >>2747, which has a narrator that is in support of a needed revolution by overthrowing the princesses for such tragic events in which involved intellectual and social movements. It´s unlikely to happen and ends up being pretty political and personal at the same time.

As for L23, the ones that Bridgefag praised the most were:
>>988 which introduced the character of Midnight Radiance, the batpony prostitute for the /mlpbat/ thread.

Another that caused some impact was >>1298 that consists about DWK. That fic is written around implications about how DWK could have felt about Rarity around his lowest moments while the author didn´t know that much about him but served as means to an end to explain a depressive side behind the fanbase.

Now, the two fics he praised the most were Luna´s one >>1445 and the one dedicated to Novo >>1548 (most of the fics I am describing are already in the OP)
They have in mind the timeline of the show. Luna´s fic has two parts and it invovles the previous and epilogue of Friendship is Magic (behind the scenes that only involve Celestia and her sister).

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