Anon 01/08/2019 (Tue) 17:53:11 No.3168 del
Well, well, well....
Bridgefag is taking the lead at creating threads and I´ve got to say, not all the days you can get dense and detailed opening posts like that unless they are copy pasted.
Even though this was kind of expected considering the amount of times we have talked about the fandom every now and then. Basically, none of these threads are created out of nowhere. In fact, the main NMAiE intensified the brony discussions in it. It makes sense.

This thread cannot be created on /mlp/ though.

>It is devoted to a rather nebulous topic of the fandom itself with an archival mindset.
it seems that by checking the old archives and by navigating to underground content, you can arrive at interesting conclusion and ending up looking at the fandom in its own mirror.

>These subjects maybe relevant at times in the discussion of certain happenings and periods within the fandom
this could predict some patterns when gen 5 happens or certain requested fan content

>While we are microscopic we have regular posting and a somewhat distinct culture as can be with 3 anons and the occasional drifter
for a number of users that one can count in the back of my hand, that´s a compliment.


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