Anon 01/08/2019 (Tue) 18:25:09 No.3170 del
>A lot of furries I'd imagine hopping off with the rest of the more tumblr types cira 2013 or 2014 and do to the exposure some memebers of the fandom to anthro and such it creating new furries later on.
that probably explains why there is a slight increase in NSFW content on Derpi. If that happened, the influx would come right at the middle of the ride, meaning that a good proportion of them have stayed while others jumped off the bandwagon around 2014-15. Truly ironic because Tumblr,save for porn blogs, had left MLP as a secondary franchise.

Although, maybe they are rotating all the time but with the introduction of certain characters, I can say that there could be (a bit) less friction in terms of taste.

>What's slightly interesting to me is that the fandom related study notes some of them having been involved in the study of furries of before and you'd think they'd be aware of that other research if not having some people who where on it.
it´s almost like those researchers could have come from KnowYourMeme or an internet phenomena site.

>You would think they'd note it. I mean their can't be that many furry studies right? right?
erm, maybe they did around the 2000s when they caused huge controversies around the net for normal users eyes.

>I may store them offline and have them on standby when thy disappear from the net.
/endpone/, where your brony archives end up remaining in the underground.