Anon 01/11/2019 (Fri) 07:59:13 No.3189 del
(588.64 KB 1992x5000 Kindess.png)
>this one adds...well, it looks like AJ is smiling and putting a chill face for some reason....when she isn´t. You could have tricked me into thinking about her having that positive face with this filter instead of concerned.
It almost with the blur gives me a stoner-AJ feel.

>this one is crappy but it would be interesting to see it full defined and not blurred.
I was messing with a thumbnailed screencap from the wikia and just torturing it with various effects and such and seeing where it would go. it maybe part of something later that has a mixed media vibe if I try to utilize it seriously

>Twilight!What the hell are you doing,lady? Did you forget my indications for using the washing machine? I am not helping you this time around. There you go, keep on rolling but don´t complain if you get dizzy later.
If I could ever animate this there is a meme somewhere hidden in there.

>I didn´t understand those lines. I think with their context I will get them or appreciate them better but I think you are revealing too much or is it a "mirror" test of what you are planning?
Nope the main 2 fics don't have much to do with Twilight and only may utilize mixed media.

>Thanks, like >>2655, I wanted to check again if the mobile version was the correct choice. this is why I make these comparisons even if the image feels repetitive.
It's like tasting food vs being a chef, start to notice little subtleties.

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