Anon 01/13/2019 (Sun) 02:38:33 No.3198 del
>definitely not. In fact, I am posting these three album covers that are reminiscent of the no wave genre of music.
Really? My first thought was how darkening and inversion of color is often used in edgy art of tweens and teens. But hey I'll take that. Those album covers look interesting... I almost feel a little inspired.

>yep, it causes more impact but it gets a little bit tiring to watch after a while.
As with many sort loops. I just think it was a little smoother.

>looks like one of those games from the early 80s. Not sure if that´s a compliment. Still, you have to be really crappy to make that vector unenjoyable.
I don't mind 80s though it is being overspammed right now so it could be a bad choice to make anything as it may age quite poorly in my opinion

>The /end/ is going to end up in mushrooms at this point.
Hey, with your taste in chaotic avant-garde music and for me randomness causing the /end/ to become on drugs, maybe we should fuse the styles together. and BO could join in with a style too and have something truly interesting.

>The blurriness, the flaws and partial color options brought something outlandish from the original picture that ends up delivering a different interpretation.
I found those edits fun too. And I aways feel like they could be a little bit more to them. Not saying the others are bad, just simple improvements, these have a bit of an identity to them.

>Although you have delivered that with >>2649 funnily enough.

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