Anon 01/16/2019 (Wed) 23:39:33 No.3251 del
>Really doubtful on that one.
as if I haven´t thought about that. My expectations are zero in fact but time always proves what it´s worthy to make and what it isn´t.

>there was (or wasn't, and Hiro just admined from the shadows, we don't know) also around a year of interregnum before Hiro took over.
yeah, even though everyone was posting memes about Moot leaving the boat before it sank.

>Just peek at recent trends in posting and you will have the answer
on /mlp/? Nothing has changed that much. Save the deletion of certain memes, overmoderation of meta threads and the roleplaying rule, the board itself hasn´t noticed a substantial change. (that immunity may come because of the generals)

ehem ehem the board owner is behind to check it ehem ehem.

>but managed to pull only 216 from desu just days before it stopped serving images
ah, damn. Well, that´s something at least. It´s mostly because it turns off the viewer for having no images around the posts.

>Those things disheartened me a little, so the project fell kinda flat. Only have 228/958 missing collected.

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