Anon 02/02/2019 (Sat) 21:54:11 No.3362 del
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Welp. Having little luck so far. Discord Daily is too vague. I've checked blogspot, web archive albeit not fully knowing if there is some advanced search secrets I do not know because retarded searching for it in filters and year range dosn't yield much either.

Even without discord, I get all kind of results either relating to equestria daily, mlp in general, or this satirical news blog.

Site by site searching didn't do it either, though I remember site using the old intense debate comment system. Though I didn't find much doing a site search for it. They split off from EqD. Intense debate has unified comment accounts so it stances to reason that somewhere the comments to the site are recorded there even if the sites down. If I could find the enforcement actions on EqD that caused the split that would be helpful. I also acknowledge that I may have misremember the name...
These profiles take a long time to search through. Note: this is the account of the old horse news reporter.

I have found other things searching through, a lot of which maybe relevant to /go/ so I wouldn't call it a total waste of time.