Anon 03/09/2019 (Sat) 08:47:35 No.3633 del
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>that´s true. Not so risky and one advantage you have is that people are lazy even for spying.
Exactly, though security through obscurity is ill advisable unless one remains obscure . But as for the threat model I have. A few allusions to sensitive personal topics sometimes mixed in with mlp contnet is not much for me to sweat over.

>well, you simply posted it trying to go into the middle ground, testing the waters and you ended up giving a clickbait? shitpost. I didn´t take it with much importance because I needed more info to judge. I simply posted about the interesting times topic until you mentioned the big part
I only posted it because it was the first thing in my head as a relation. The big part was when I realized how it sounded like I how I hated how I had worded it and thought it felt a little too much to allude to and the fact that it was such a social media thing to do.

> One can complain about 4chan a lot but the posters that stay there also admit that there is no better place/alternative to go.
Yep. Though their are topics that I would like to be discussed with more sincerity and such, I would take 4chan over the main social media sites anyday. Besides, I've got smaller alt chans and other rabbit holes Internet communities that you can go to fill out social media topics in a healthier atmosphere.

>basically trying really hard to be a postmodern journalist or average user of Twitter. That happens when you have something to say yet the words kill all your intentions to reflect it properly. What you have said and fixed now.

>´s sadly kind of difficult to adapt an alternative path considering these common trends extended to the entire globe.
Indeed. Even on smaller sites you can find those to an extent. I have giving long thought on my long term net presence plans and it be a hard road to walk without joining up in at least some of the things in social media that I despise. Even if I avoid the larger sites if I took a name I'd be prone to end up getting caught up in some circlejerk or group with in group out group dynamics that could lead to stupid drama. And if I failed to pertispate by it's rules I could be shunned, unless I tried to really my own group around my displeasure of social media, which would just be a repeat of the problems with me at the helm. Not saying it would happen, but that it always would be a possibility, even with a small online presence.


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