Anon 03/29/2019 (Fri) 23:10:08 No.3771 del
now, those people fearful of oceans because of sharks and big creatures in the depths. How wrong those plebs were, ponies were the sirens chants that make the environment dangerous from the very beginning.

>The others are more... intense and expressive I suppose. This one lack of brightness could be a little dull and dreary in comparison.
exactly that.

>It does!
either it´s due to the filter or the oversaturation of a certain effect/adjustment.

>Would you like to go a descriptive rout and get one of the better edits and original pictures and place them side by side?
either showing the products alone or doing that method. I am basically compiling them and putting them in the front as a greatest hits from these edits. Not all of them work but simply a selection of what we have offered here. I thought about not including any description and then letting the viewer to ask why it happened before the info comes but a little description can come with them perfectly (or quoting the post of its explanation from this thread)

>Would you say there is any edit that clicks or feels just right to you that you just like to use in the OP solo?
I am certainly torn about it. The one edit that I still hold in high regard is this one >>1822 and it certainly represents how twisted and artificial the edits can get, to the point where you are in an artificial land that will lead us into chaos or imprecise imagery.

That´s my first but any other can work so I am asking to you before I do anything (not to mention that it feels kind of selfish). I could also include any edit that speaks for itself and came from you like >>1868, >>2496, >>2649 and >>3735.

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