Anon 03/30/2019 (Sat) 05:34:07 No.3772 del
>For those that love prog rock, the punk scene basically set up its death with the new wave as the cherry on top of the cake for its definitive loss of relevancy. Everything went onto the simplistic route.
Yeah, though my thoughts are a bit more complex on that, that is part of it. Though I don't hold simplity do to lack of resources and accessibility in a negative light on its own. It's simplicity from recycling the most addicting rhythms and trying to keep things stale and ultra mass consumable that I don't like. I'm not a music critic so take this with a grain of salt: but the mainstream has become a lot more boring in the music scene in the past 20 years. There is less new stuff and experimentation that gets a hgh profile now. Used to be you'd want to find some new sound because uniqueness and style was part of breaking through. It still might get sanitized and messed with, but the marketability than and now with the stagnant reign of version genres being melted togather into a vapid pop, rap and in my country a sometimes very pop/soft rock influenced country music being the only others that still retain some kind of identity that has been slowly going on the last 20 years or so (there was trends like emo bands and stuff). With some more interesting stuff getting second tier recognition and making it into the lower top 40 sometimes I suppose. Though I think media fragmentation plays just a part as any greed on the corporate side. Their is a lot more you have to compete with for attention now and they think things have to be made with as much mass appeal and basic emotions as possible to have a chance/maximize their returns on any artist they invest or invent .

Okay, I still have a couple of things I wanna say to your other posts but I got to sleep earlier tonight so I'm gonna skip onto some stuff I found regarding the drama you mentioned here >>3770