Anon 03/31/2019 (Sun) 00:12:08 No.3777 del
Take your time. I unpacked a lot didn't I?

>don´t worry about that. I personally prefer reading it when the whole thing is done, I am not the biggest fan of previews. If it happens, good. If it doesn´t, that´s fine as well. You set up the deadline in the end.
Thanks. Frankly I'm considering just giving up on one of themes with images if I can't get it done and try going a editing route. It's a little frustrating though because I don't have a high standard yet even then I haven't finished the illustrations as fast as I thought I could. In part from me being fussy but also do to a few delays from outside forces.

There is something else that I could say here but considering the drama and it being yet something else to reply, I'll wait for now. Because I feel it could open up another large/deep topic.