Anon 04/06/2019 (Sat) 07:58:10 No.3892 del
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With any luck I probably will be able to watch this tomorrow. though I never know if my father/grandfather has any plans I may even live shitpost if y'all are all here at the same time... even if it's not doable I'll shitpost

It's a real haunting moment. It's been a constant in the background of my life since at least mid 2011 (at least that's when I was fully visiting fandom sites). I don't know what the future holds, but I can tell you that even if I have reservations I am far from a doomer. In these last hours of before the final season, I honestly don't know what to fully feel but I am still excited about seeing it.

Okay, done rambling. See ya bo l23 ! See everypony on the otherside of the show.

May we enjoy it.