Anon 04/09/2019 (Tue) 18:44:34 No.3927 del
(143.32 KB 500x277 1542349300630.png)
Just go read the comments under the image.
Personally, I think it was a modget, but a lowkey one the usual modget flavour to avoid any flak like last time (if there was any last time, I don't remember).

What saddens me is the near unanimous commenters approval to modgets to "ensure that GETs are safe for everyone". I guess I'm like Discord in this case. Let the chaos happen.

What amuses me is that despite all the automation they guy attempting the GET went through, it seems like it didn't occur to him to use different IPs and/or accounts to upload images to circumvent rate limit despite being aware of it. Like, c'mon, it's almost like you wanted the GET to fail.