Anon 04/15/2019 (Mon) 13:04:33 No.3967 del
>It feels like she feels (Though I maybe jumping he gun) a more fully realized character here.
yeah, despite her introduction in Marks for Affection, I like her better with this dynamic. Instead of pretending that she is a good filly, it feels more rewarding to watch her actual personality and her spontaneous reactions as the events happen.

>I was still unsure a bit and found her a bit strange of being this filly who came out of o where.
yeah, we have been playing guessing games in order to see the exact moment when she reveals to be an actual villain. With that prejudice gone...

>I feel more forgiving of her flaws and her traits better utilized.
well, you´ve definitely said it.

>maybe it was from me trying to cherish it, but even on second viewing it didn't pass fast or feel out of place to me.
people judge way too quick an entire episode and the experts recommend a 2nd watch in order to notice all the details you could have missed. And if I have felt that way with the opener,I don´t want to tell you with Uprooted....

What´s coming next could be the peak of not judging things in a heated way and before jumping into conclusions, feel completely sure about how you see it. Uprooted to me, is a whole new level of a reaction that I don´t share with them for some reason. I´ll explain it later.

>the action there wasn't a special treat and the fighting that did happen was simply what was required.
the worst part of it is that you could sum up those moments with two simple sentences: "Sombra takes over the Crystal Empire and traps the owners" and "The Mane 6 solve the disaster with Rainbow Magic". That´s it. If they took such little time with those sequences and they didn´t dig deeper,it´s simply because there was nothing particularly interesting that could have gone different, just one route events.

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