Anon 04/15/2019 (Mon) 13:51:51 No.3969 del
Now, here it comes, my personal review of Uprooted.

Before I even begin, I would like to quote some lyrics from a song that was composed 40 years ago that are surprisingly fitting for what I feel towards this situation:

>I said, watch what you say or they'll be calling you a radical
>Liberal, fanatical, criminal
>Won't you sign up your name, we'd like to feel you're acceptable
>Respectable, presentable, a vegetable.

The Logical Song_ Supertramp (1979)

So, Uprooted seems too have caused an universal negative reception on the chan side of the fandom at least. >>3952 Only a third of those voters had mixed to positive reaction towards it. So, as we have announced before, we are dealing with the worst episode that should be compared with Princess Spike, Non Compete Clause, Spike at Your Service....well, in the infamous catalog.

And....I don´t see how it reached it. If I was surprised by the pacing complaint from the opener, I feel even more confused with this case because I have watched it three times. One on Saturday evening, skipping the song by the way, on Sunday evening and today in the morning, different times with a different mood so my mind wouldn´t be as biased and review it because of momentum. No, this time I have tried to pick the wrong things with it, pausing it at times just to analyze and check its flaws.

Let me tell you that I can´t. No seriously, I cannot do it and the more I watched it, the more I realized that it was quite simply a little cute slice of life episode with a song put in the resolution. There is no AJ or RD having a mental breakdown nor a Spike having accidents in which the writers make fun of him. No, it doesn´t work this way.

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