Anon 05/19/2019 (Sun) 23:43:25 No.4120 del
>Sounds "fun"
it wasn´t because I have to do it well. That and another subject. It hasn´t been the nicest experience not because of its content it´s an interesting read honestly but sweet Celestia, it´s that dense to memorize but because I hadn´t studied that content for 4 years or so (nor even focused all that much with this depth back then).

It will get better now that I have warmed up with it.

>Though it'd be no pressure otherwise.
yeah, but I am that pigheaded to reply something in the meantime

>the choice is between that and taking a second to just not think about something and let your fried rest choose the later
I do manage to take both routes and I have watched the latest episode tonight...

>but there is an urge in general that has been driving me toward something like that is hard to explain.
I feel like some of those words or at least the mentality behind them sounds like they came from my posts somewhere in the old threads.

>There maybe some OC later that will be a chaotic mess of thoughts.

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