Anon 05/30/2019 (Thu) 22:54:28 No.4174 del
>All the stuff you have to master to cross the finish line.
I have reached the finish line for analytical chemistry. The finish line that I have had pressure on was on the inorganic chemistry part. Other parts will remain for now but either you focus on a few things perfectly or you can get lost between so much material to analyze and comprehend in your mind.

>that be boring and this is an escape from school.
I could actually comment about but indeed, I am sick of it yet I still have to do that assault and taking over that subject soon.

>Especially with your more experimental ones.
No wonder you do. If I only used one click effects just to give over 100 modifications, it would make no sense nor have any sort of depth added into them. Even though some of the best pics were simple adjustments, I like having something going for them to talk about.

>Even in the very beginning to an extent but especially now.
stupid ideas can turn into something great. Even a practice like downgrading the pictures in quality, it can have its niche audience if done properly.

>Let's keep following the /endpone/ formula. The /mlp/ mentality, even at its most positive, probably wouldn't have made this last so long.
let´s how all of this can go. Also, it´s almost June and we are still shitposting here after a year and a half....

You know, as a kid, they always said to me not to speak with unknown people out there and I have been certainly rebellious about that digitally speaking. Funnily enough, this has withstood way more than some people I´ve always known. [spoiler] Even though I applied this practice of interacting with unknown people at their 30s/40s back in 2011/12 with a racing game, so this nothing new. [7spoiler]

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