Anon 07/28/2019 (Sun) 18:31:45 No.4416 del
>Even stumbling upon some key line or moment will likely not ruin or shape perception in the same way a spolier for who the Prince of Winter would.
preventing the spoilers is the most desirable option to pick but if it just happens that anyone stumbles upon those descriptions, then one could use it as a form of premise. In fact, one could set up the expectations for something that anons have seen but you don´t know how they have implemented those spoilers or plot device. Even by not reading anything, I´ve had to search for the poll and take a guess about what could have lead to those ratings and then, it serves me to add a little bit more of discussion that could have not been there.

>It's minor compared to some incidents of the past
absolutely. I do believe that the employee just saw the chance to get rid of that manager, with a good laugh but still with those intentions of omitting the directions.

>It seems they did do a bit more research than googling and assumptions.
he could have used the wiki but reading it is way less fun than binge watching the show. He could have still done that research and spend his free time about acknowledging her role in the show but either way,he has had to show interest for getting to know about her
>I tip my hat too, a tiny bit
>it really didn't have the awkward political untones that some of their "jokes" have now.
that´s a bonus point. Honestly we are all a bit tired of politics and there are politicians who actually leave the charge because politics consumed their own personas as well to the point where you cannot tell when someone is a person or working as a politician. Props for keeping his charge aside for this situation.

>I only have limited experience playing an open source clone called Minetest.
I have played Minecraft on my own for a limited time as well but I don´t know, it´s one of those games that you enjoy watching more than playing it for yourself unless you have a server or group of friends in that world.

>it's a combination of nostalgia and a feeling that it hasn't been as corrupted by the controversy and drama of many things have by this point

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