Anon 08/29/2019 (Thu) 23:46:01 No.4501 del
Dashfag actually posted one last message in the old endchan so I am replying to it.

Also we have to report that the thumnails are lacking, either we repost them for each thread or we simply tell about in /operate/


>i DONT Read every post but yes I do lurk fairly often. I view things like this important to the health of an imageboard.
well, that´s quite a bit of time for a board about ponies. You haven´t caught us in the best period though because of how hostile things are lately, not to mention that there are outsider/private factors that leads to make a PoLS quite often.

>That is something that does more to establish a culture here than just repeating old memes and shitposts.
I mean, we could repeat everything from /mlp/ as it is. However, I realize that this imageboard will never reach that number of users. I accept the circumstances and I give it a twist so it feels inspired but one cannot put it as the carbon copy of it. For example, this thread is the main general and in theory, /endpone7 should have called it MLPG but there was a random shitposter that simply said: "Not much activity" so it turned into the name and the main acronym when one talks about it.

>Your board is a board of somewhat stronger personal connection and communication out of pure necessity and POLS reflect that.
we do have Derpi accounts to back it up. While that might hurt a little bit the activity, it´s pretty obvious that after a year and a half, one knows where the response will come from.

Also, if you want to know what happened to the polish BO, check the /flutter/ board because one of his mates has explained about ""one particular"" reason why he left this place all of a sudden.

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