Anon 09/11/2019 (Wed) 21:22:54 No.4575 del
>is our spoiler image broken?
eeeyup, I had posted a Cosmos image in another thread with the spoiler feature and the thumbnail didnĀ“t work. I forgot to report it and I simply focused on the thumbnails for the OPs.

>Welp it sure looks like it is.
it is
>I guess I'll put it on my /endpone/ todo list. Should've made a back up of it! Oh well, I see what can be done later.
report it on /operate/ and maybe a volunteer from there can give you the advice to fix this option. I think that they have a dedicated thread about the problems that came from the bunker migration.

>Perhaps he needs to be removed from power.
the bridges were a mistake.

>Though everyone is forgetting one thing carrots are number 1

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