Anon 09/11/2019 (Wed) 21:56:28 No.4576 del
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>the Summer Sun Setback was the first sounds of thunder.

>Mind kinda shutsdown ain't it? I have gotten that before...
not exactly a shutdown but more like a response from my body that in hindsight, that period of sleep becomes valuable. If I didn´t sleep at that time, maybe I would have become a different person during those moments.

>My mind has been quite active, downright inspired at times.
that picture clearly proves what you are saying here.

>I still managed to make some progress on /endpone/ stuff durring what downtime I had. I feel such an urge to write everything from fics to overanalyzing background motifs from the show.
the brain is really fascinating honestly. I could make some deep interpretations from that little piece but it´s certainly funny that we could advanced much more as a species, yet we fall into the same questions over and over again. What´s even more amazing is that a show like this drives its fans to think this way, directly or subtly.

It´s like you are thinking as if we are living at the edge of the world.

just what one could understand from your lines.

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