Anon 09/11/2019 (Wed) 23:23:56 No.4578 del
>This is the second time they name dropped Apple Dash, going the complete opposite of EqD with Rarity Dash. >>4187
well, as if Sweet and Smoky didn´t make it clear enough, we´ve got the definite proof that these name drops are not coincidental.

>there has been shipping drama over that end (as I mentioned, tumblr)
oh yeah, that part of the fanbase.Does Tumblr hold any sort of significant value? Verizon has recently sold it to Wordpress and after the porn ban, I cannot take that site seriously and colour me surprised if there is any homogeneous group of bronies that hold a consistent opinion towards the show.My interest about that also dropped because of the account requirement in order to see it.

>Here I think the real drama will unfold if they make any of the ships canon in FiM.
old news that we all have known from the get go.

>I should be keeping better track of the shippers but right now I'm trying to avoid the spoilers of course.
you will find out about it eventually

>One of the few times I mentioned MLP at all IRL with my family
imagine saying this in front of your family: "Oh, hi Twilight. What a nice surprise! I was about to watch an episode of MLP tonight and...wait, what are you doing in the news? how did you get here?"

Who would have bet that ponies would enter in the mainstream news about a political topic? No wonder a few fans had to explain their surprise and explain what she had to do with it.

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