Anon 09/20/2019 (Fri) 19:33:36 No.4637 del
>It'll still be quite jarring to realize that they star the same characters yet they're different and it'll be an entirely new plot with new challenges and new settings.
as long as Hasbro doesn´t decide to take a huge drop in quality by going back to the old gens, if the writing is decent, I won´t complain that much.

>Or maybe that's just because I've become too attached to this show and its characters.
yeah, like you have admited to yourself, it´s more of a personal bias more than anything else. However, that´s absolutely understandable considering that this gen will remind you about the golden era of MLP for the rest of your life. Copying it over and over again isn´t the best solution to replace the scars.

>I'll miss gen 4, I really will.
who wouldn´t do that? But here it´s the thing, gen 5 could make this franchise more relevant so there is a chance to keep gen 4 alive years after it´s ended. We are now living in a situation nobody expected in the first place: a post gen 4 fanbase. No wonder one would fear about lots of variables and strange new things that are coming up next.

>Also, I wouldn't count on the finale being good, seeing the leaks and all. I'm not going to spoil anything, just don't get your hopes up.
tanks for not spoiling us. I´ve preferred not to see the leaks, nor visit /mlp/ since the explosion of content nor judge these last episodes in a rushed manner. We have a thread for discussing about it and we are going really slowly instead of jumping onto quick conclusions.

I simply need time to digest the new content (even though we have already reviewed episode 17 and I have watched until episode 20) and judge it with my own analysis. I am also waiting for another anon who has been pretty busy these last weeks and whenever he post his thoughts, I focus on that single episode completely.

Anyway, don´t get all that worried because it will most likely lead from desperate dramas that you make up on your own at its worst to the lack of enjoyment of the current content at its best. I simply say that what counts the most is the fact of staying alive in order to see where this franchise goes, the capability to experience the ride at its fullest.