Anon 09/22/2019 (Sun) 06:44:15 No.4652 del
>Truth be told I'm not going to judge until I see it.

>I've been lurking this website for a good few years now.
big plot twist here. Did you post on this imageboard around 2016 when 8chan migrated over here for a little while?

>/mlp/ is basically a chaotic toxic wastebin, not to mention the spoilers
this is why we are judging the episodes slowly and without rushing the thoughts about them. Even if someone brought the spoilers onto the table, I would need to experience completely for myself in order to make it justice.

>/mlpol/ is nice but a lot of the time they seem more focused on politics than pastel horses (which makes sense, they're part pol).
I am not saying that this board is a huge exception towards that.
Let me explain this,/endpone/ has had periods of pure political topics through the generals (the show discussion ones are safe from that) and they weren´t really easy to deal with and analyze. The difference here is that politics should be a topic not only about spamming preprogammed propaganda but more like didactic material and use it as an exercise to think and try to learn, watching closely what motifs behind drive that discussion (especially the context behind the events).

This board has had a more laid back mentality because there are fewer users and as you say, /mlpol/ is more the proper target to do it. That doesn´t mean this board is free of it all the time from those topics even though we agreed to leave them aside (or at least, take a break) for a while after getting oversaturated of them during a certain month (September 2018).

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