Anon 12/08/2019 (Sun) 23:28:27 No.5160 del
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>in case they wanted a few episodes of EQG for backing up those toys, they wouldn´t have any problems in doing so.
There was a redesign show in the 2018 leaks that looked simpler and more streamlined. Wonder if that was an early prototype. Though the there was no indication of that in the 2019 leaks of the crew even be aware of Ponylife so I don't know.

>. The "ok boomer" couldn´t come in a more fitting moment because this picture of Rainbow Dash mocking at the fanbase has already become iconic for describing this awkward situation in a nutshell.
If they go the full TTG route and make awkward eps that go meta than that's what would get me to hate it.

Exactly. Even when they fail they can still offer more to discus. And halfway failures like Cosmos and Eris still kick ass in some ways.