Anon 02/20/2020 (Thu) 17:42:51 No.5457 del
(318.01 KB 430x537 1553726314389.png)
>Trees look better
considering that the edit was made just for trying to reduce the blurriness, it´s no wonder that there is more clarity in the edit.

>The lighting in the second one makes it look like cheap netflix 3d spinoff tier
well, it´s a SFM model so it was bound to look like that in the first place, I felt that there was too much obscurity in the first one for my taste

>Think skylanders or fillyfunaisia or whatever horse show two is called
funny you mention that and yes, the Filly Funtasia vibes are noticeable there. Now that you mention it, I have checked the site of that show and luckily:

They still have plans for it currently so despite the lack of news for a relatively long period, they are still alive with more languages translated for it. For a change,I could edit a few images of that show.

>This look ok
I should be making a party after reading this. I´ll take that as a compliment.

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