Anon 02/22/2020 (Sat) 16:45:18 No.5478 del
>But I see this pattern subtly even in the mainstream of your fandom. Most of your websites are gorgeous. Derpibooru knocks danbooru out of the water. Fimfiction completely murders in cold blood. Your massive fandom animation projects sometimes have movie level animation.
just for saying this in other places like /b/ on 4chan or even the fact that you have posted pony pictures here, they will most likely put you into the same category as any other fan or at least, suspect that you could be a fan in disguise.
Those who discover the jewels by getting rid of the stigma, out of curiosity, most people discover what you have said but...end up as bronies because those precious things are the shit and they are way too much to overlook them easily. Once those prejudices end, the magic starts but with a really high price...

you can enjoy all that content without being a fan but the sim`ple fact that you have MLP content or even think about it and discuss it in this board, others will qualify you as a fan indifferently. Lots of /mlp/ users warn to newfags that either they leave before it´s too late or they get stuck forever on the ride. The curse of discovering the revolution that gen 4 has brought onto the tableis a point of no return in its brand, it makes you look at everything with other eyes once you get used to it.

You have two options here: either leave before you start asking more questions about the fanbase or give up. I don´t say give up in the sense of becoming a fanboy but more like the incapability to reset your mind towards this franchise and not appreciate anymore the talent behind the works that this gen has delivered (both official and fanon ones). Sure, this started with shitty Deviantart pictures at first or low quality drawings but over time, MLP has found its own independent route without relying on any help from the outside. See those drawings >>5477 and try to deprive yourself from it, pretending that these virtues you have mentioned don´t exist. Those who dare to dive into the core sources of the fanbase end up with much better impressions than expected.