Anon 02/25/2020 (Tue) 00:03:29 No.5487 del
>it is the way of things.
in which you are involved and other people could put you at the same level with the rest simply because of those images you have in your folder or the fact that you have been thinking about this franchise way more than needed...

>You're speaking from experience aren't you? It is an interesting question.
let me tell quote a bit the lyrics of a very popular song that appealed to angry teenagers back in 2001 and apply it to your situation:

>Wake up, grab a brush and put a little (makeup), grab a brush and put a little
>Hide the scars to fade away the (shakeup),Hide the scars to fade away the
>Why'd you leave the keys upon the table?
>Here you go create another fable

you wanted to

>post shitposting pictures on a pony board, you wanted to
>have images of Scootaloo, Dash and Carrot Top in your folder, you wanted to
>watch episodes of the little kids degenerate show, you wanted to

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