Anon 02/27/2020 (Thu) 01:02:26 No.5491 del
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Well hey if you actually want to jump into are little subculture go ahead but don't say we didn't warn ya! I don't have too much more to add that L23 didn't already say other then:
> No outsiders want to be associated with it because in theory, it appeals to the lowest common denominator and most degenerated people one could imagine. In terms of degeneracy, only a furry could emphasize with these circumstance and could easily jump from furry content to MLP material without any problem.
>.will delete their past MLP creations/videos because it could harm their public image, meaning that despite making use of MLP in the past, they delete that content as if nothing happened during those years just because the stigma is still strong and could end up as an obstacle for thriving as an artist/content creator. Outsiders won´t tell you about this phenomenon and I have witnessed a few cases in the last couple of years.
The thing that really confuses me personally is the practice of many in this fandom to have completely cut ties when their interests wanes. Like a lot not even maintaining a passive interest. I used to think, well cringe and stigma but it has gotten more muddled when you see someone delete or hide most of their pony stuff and yet become a furry so it confuses me on cringe factor. I've seen people maintain passive interests in several but this one. Things both further back in time and after but not ours. It seems like there is a special stigma or some other factor that I have yet to see spoken of. Perhaps it's just my anecdotal observations of a few cases but I have a suspicion that there is something else.

Thanks for being rational and open minded. Really unexpected for a random shitposter.

This is also a POL. Sick still but starting to get better.