Anon 03/22/2020 (Sun) 22:36:09 No.5571 del
>Finally got it up though I see I made a mistake by leaving the subject field empty and not saying something. If I can't edit it in I'll have to delete and repost.

eh, that´s not a big deal though because the first line is visible while scrolling through the catalog. Besides, with the subject field or not, the only way to make it official is by making it huge (the number of posts). The bat pony thread or the green thread didn´t have anything and the amount of posts made them really relevant not to mention that we are starting this with its first steps. It´s up to you in the end though.

>one of the surprises that I was hinting at was our new client state >>>/mlp/
the most surprising thing for me was the fact that you have rescued by accident that board. I didn´t imagine that it would exist in this chan but it looks like we´ve got a replacement for /flutter/: dead king, new king.

>I claimed the board and messed around with it awhile ago but I wanted to reveal it with the stuff I did today.
all this together assembled makes it a pretty noticeable twist that might have paid off today but for sure it could gain more prominence over time.

>the other surprise I unfortunately couldn't get out in time for this, Eh oh well.
sometimes time might be the greatest enemy but in these conditions, it will be needed. Just that one decides where to spend it...