Anon 05/04/2020 (Mon) 19:47:21 No.5875 del
>Despite the SARS-cov-II shutdown I have not written anything pony. Or anything else. Or watched any movies or read a book.
I've mainly been watching my normal /co/ and /AM/ stuff out of board. Not really satisfied with a lot that's out there. Anime feel too formulaic and copy cat. A lot of the /co/ stuff just feels like it has hints of the same "LOL random" + where all quirky misfits vibe. There is the whole chibi anime Adventure Time style that, while not as completely dominating as many would have you believe, is still in just enough places to feel tiresome. I think movies and a lot of live action is also boring so yeah I can get that.

As for /mlp/. I've seen probably about 30 or so episodes. Not sure I'd call myself part of the fagdom as I tend to dip my toes into a lot of random shows but it has been an interesting experience and the show has earned a bit of my respect at some points. Maybe I'll post about that in the show discussion thread sometime?