Anon 05/06/2020 (Wed) 22:20:11 No.5902 del
(1.08 MB 1024x791 953684.png)
the image hasn´t been uploaded, huh? It ought to be the server or my connection while posting this reply. Anyway...

>Fanfiction. Here, for example is an aborted foal that either deserved a better chance at life, or never should have been.
you know, we are living in 2020 and not even MLP is free of metaphysical questions. I guess that these kind of questions/conflicts will never vanish from people´s minds. We are taking off with a heavy theme from that premise alone.

>"I was dreaming when I wrote this forgive me if it goes astray"
My Little Fictions, Songs Are Magic as a source of inspiration. What´s even more impressive is that you took the first line of 1999.

>You know that song by Prince before he was 'formerly known' or again known
to your surprise, from what I am checking in certain musical sites I know, you can celebrate that 1999, both as a song and as an album, is quite popular to his discography. so his legacy is still alive. Nonetheless, combining your quote with...

>Nearing NaNoWriMo season in 2016 (so, October leading up to November) I had a weird dream. I wasn't upset, but the guy playing me in the dream was really freaked out.
this, I wonder if Prince´s death made you revisit his discography earlier that year. So, you were writing this for that project because of that dream.

>I create the lore to facilitate the story, but some who have helped critique my work say the detail in my head about the world these ponies live in is half the beauty of my writing.

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