Anon 05/07/2020 (Thu) 05:08:12 No.5914 del
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>I had a weird dream. I wasn't upset, but the guy playing me in the dream was really freaked out.
Weird. I actually have had a couple of dreams of late where I wasn't me, but it was like I was watching myself from an external perspective. Was it something like that.

>And the LORE ... In this one I needed to decide that metal was especially precious; that was why gems were used for so many building projects, and I think I declared the guards to be wearing ceramic armor. I create the lore to facilitate the story, but some who have helped critique my work say the detail in my head about the world these ponies live in is half the beauty of my writing.
I love little details like this. Trying to piece together the world for a fic. I remember trying to rationalize the mix of tech levels by attributing it to a lack of quick transportation heck, it was something I considered to be a semi-plausable theory till later seasons where it felt like everything place was just a day trip away. Most usually just put Equestria in a pre or emerging industrial age so I think the choice of metal is interesting.

> I lost something in trying to put the specific scenes to paper and in setting the work aside to let it percolate, it sank to the bottom.
Are you talking about simple writers block or are you talking about, how do I say it? The feeling. How you imagine it in your head. Certain details that you feel but can't quite ever translate right to paper. I know the second quite strong. At least in the past.

>the image hasnĀ“t been uploaded, huh? It ought to be the server or my connection while posting this reply
weird. The PDF wouldn't load either for awhile. Now it does but I wonder if it's on the server's end.