Anon 05/07/2020 (Thu) 08:19:04 No.5917 del
>Weird. I actually have had a couple of dreams of late where I wasn't me

All my dreams are 3rd person, and as I drift into consciousness I become aware of the discrepancies between how I would react, and how the script has the actor who plays me reacting. Sometimes my memories of the dream, are of me shouting catcalls at the script writer. The bit-players in the piece will take the time to scowl at me but the main characters have more professionalism and finish until the time runs out and I wake up for real.
Other times the last quarter of a scene will replay a dozen times, each time with a slight variation in wording, or emphasis.

>writers block, or ... how you imagine it in your head

Yes, those things. I just re-read that piece, and am very surprised I stopped at
> Mechalestia
Since I KNOW I planned on introducing a gryphon shortly after the two got out of town.
Platinum would insist the gryphon was "gone" (couldn't see/hear him) but Coal could see both just fine. Then shortly after that Coal would perceive Platinum to have become an automaton but its voicetrack would always be about an hour late ... or early. Occasionally to be replaced with the modron pony-level unit and other times just an anodized painting but always insisting both stallions looked normal to him (gryphon would call him names at this point, Coal would opt not to repeat those words)

I think it's a "man vs. nature" tale about extreme isolationism, but sometimes I can't tell. It was meant to be a little creepy but I see its more like my dreams. We can see Coal is creeped out, but can't feel that ourselves.

Or so it seems just now.