Anon 06/17/2020 (Wed) 21:30:32 No.6238 del
(241.17 KB 1200x1200 InfectedWith.jpg)
>high pitched voice
That's about the last thing I would have reached for to describe Filly in the Box.
FitB is "out there" but I like their works especially for the purpose of shifting gears, hearing something different.

> > Zero
> Good.
And then I go and completely forget whose music it was.
Oh! Right, that was Twelve. tw3lv3-1666 on bandcamp, and while they claim " Liquid Drum&Bass is definitaly a genre that fits me well." I like the lo-fi stuff, such as the "release" album a bit better.

> > free
> 2nd fav
Also forgot where that was, but definitely Francis Vace singing (once known as vaceslav)
> "Thy backside is whole, and ungobbled!"

> Not my style but not cringe

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