Anon 06/19/2020 (Fri) 00:37:46 No.6243 del
just type the serial number of Derpibooru and you will found out that none of these are mine. I simply search for: "traditional art" and I keep turning the pages until I find some potential material to edit and try something with them.

You wouldn´t post these pictures easily out there so despite having the option to edit good images on their own, I prefer experimenting with a base that doesn´t hold up as nicely as it should. If the edit is better than the original, technically you "win the thread"

>Where did you come across such washed out originals?
Derpibooru. It´s not a secret. Just that these pictures normally don´t have high ratings nor the average user would bother to check these more than once. Anyway, here you have the original (even by typing the serial number from the thumbnails in the URL, you can find them as well):

>These aren't your pencilworks are they?
nope, sadly I don´t have the skills to draw. Normally, in a chan, you would have a drawfag to provide new content and I don´t. The closest attempts for offering original content were >>5222 (and I am not satisfied at all with the drawings I made back in 2017) and the redrawn picture from Bridgefag >>5681 last March (original was >>3858).

>Fine drawing just bad scanner settings, methinks.
yeah, several random factors that contribute to the drawing for not looking all that good as they could. I tend to experiment more with those picture that have nothing to offer. Those that only need adjustments to fix that bad scanning (or wrong lighting for example) end up way more limited in terms of edition as a result.

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