Anon 06/23/2020 (Tue) 08:31:59 No.6272 del
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>. I could make an attempt to correlate it with your low standards towards other people in the past so all those disappointments were exposed simultaneously...
Ya'know, though the feeling was based around a "everything is doomed the world is screwed" feeling, that sentiment could have easily fueled some of that.

>was that because of a bleeding and lack of anesthesia?
No. They were pulling some teeth out in prep for my braces because they said that there wasn't enough room in my mouth. It was a bit on the heavier side because I had to be put out via IV. The operation went fine but I kept bleeding and bleeding when I got home. They were like, " oh expect some bleeding just use gauze" and my family didn't suspect anything wrong at first, but the bleeding just wouldn't stop. They never found out why it had happened as the Docters at the hospital thought the operation had been done just fine and I didn't have any conditions or disorders to cause it.

>However, that´s far from the trauma that >>6227 >>6230
Only on the way to the hospital I was unstable to a dangerous level and my family didn't even tell me that till awhile later. Certainly was scary but as I kid my terror was muted and it still didn't happen with that level of force all at once.