Anon 07/15/2020 (Wed) 08:42:59 No.6328 del
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>Ah, well. I still miss 20pc
I can feel ya with my preference with some of the more offbeat spots in the fandom.

>And I still visit derpibooru but I find their site harder to navigate than 20pc was.
Really? Do you think it is just being used to it or does it have a superior interface?

> I have no wish to comment, the moreso when the vols declare *ALL* "roleplay" responses to the image to be "creepy rolelpay" and delete them immediately. I could post on 4ch if I wanted my comments deleted that fast and consistently.
Truth with 4chan's anti rroleplay rules, though I am rather unfamiliar with how Derpibooru is on that particular category but I'll take your word.