Anon 02/08/2018 (Thu) 21:23:07 No.643 del
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Not strange that some foreigners correct themselves more on this topic. I have to check my posts a lot before sending them.
>The spontaneousness of it may have actually helped when you think about. No fretting over how something is worded or keeping a plot for a larger story. Just out of your head and onto your computer.
everything here is spontaneous. I don't have plans written save some idea flotaing around at certain moments. I look at myself and I sometimes ask how I wrote all of this even though it's not much.

>I get that. I actualy have comtemplated writing a long story one of the only other idea I've had actually considered doing as a fanfic with a near tragedy or betrayal that leads to happiner times later (well sometimes happier), but I've never been sure I would be able to make the pain last long enough before I wanted to go into confort.
Thing is....the tragedy was just a medium for the pay off. In reality,it wasn't meant to be a dark story, just passing the fear of that ambient for our minds. The chance to get comfortable and make you say that it's all worth despite its cover. And again,when you try to write a dark story,you could end up perfectly in a light hearted one.
Maybe I did transmit all my fears about certain things that are happening in real life and I am putting all my feelings on there.... I don't know.

>It's more contemplative and defined as well., hence pain being directed at everything, or wanton violencce because rebelion. Not to say everything that has wanton violence and raw emotion being poured out is just out of such angst, but its often what people associate with the lables 'edgy' and 'dark'.

The sad thing is that the market has oversaturated and overused the dark aspect of a story too much as a selling point. Not everything has to be really powerful characters and flip the table by burning your house or giving huge twists to reach darkness and give a serious sense. That's like eating on a fast food restaurant. Me,you and every faggot from Tumblr or 4chan can do that in the blink of an eye. It's almost a cliche between the league of cliches.

Facing and putting darkness into a story is an average exercise,dominating the topic,is an art