Anon 08/13/2020 (Thu) 22:25:07 No.6435 del
>They had a cool idea with her changeling a basis of pony society but it wasn't a real ideological conflict like it could have been.
there is some undefined direction for her when she was created. I am not going to justify their decisions but it seems that this change of ideas in X character isn´t all that new and this reminds me more or less what happened with Twilicorn. Larson wrote the Cutie Map and then he left the staff after Amending Fences. Surely an episode might take a few months to produce but the ideas that were originally intended for Star Light weren´t translated in the end when Haber decided to write the finale, so they have mostly subverted her by trying to force her in a situation where she grows desperate and gets to reach that far in order to carry out her plans at forcing others to become her friends under a regime of terror and magical superiority.

There is a certain problematic pattern that DHX tends to repeat: first, it executes an idea for no apparent reason and then, it tries to justify its place in the universe (whether it´s because of the toy commercial nature of the show or the fact that the show runners/writers change constantly over the years). So, for Larson, there was that idea of going full 1984 and the opener by itself is really accurate at what it tries to convey. You look at the Star Light post redemption paired with Trixie and you see that her antics work nicely.

The problem her is like you display here:

>Rather than her pouting that her friend moved away it could have been her having several things, like her cutie mark not quite leading to the life she wanted and cutie marks leading to a variety of negative factors for her, which she uses to make an ideology that is in opposition too.
the idea of Sunburst feels kind of like an excuse just to justify the redemption in some way and then, in the 8th season, they try to fix those holes of her backstory by hinting that she had an edgy goth phase before going full 1984 in a desperate way to alleviate her feeling of loneliness (The Parent Map). Nonethless. this isn´t shown in her redemption but a justification 3 seasons after she was redeemed, so they attempt to cover all her shifts in personality after the fact and not when the staff was shaping her character back in 2014-15.

The Cutie Remark goes way overblown for trying to justify her 180 and that´s why some people were hesitant to put her redemption as believable. In fact, /mlp/ was calling her Poochie because she felt like a forced insertion that didn´t pay off all that well in the 6th season. Only over the years, the fanbase would warm up with her but in 2015, one would see that process of redemption as a Sunset Shimmer 2.0 in a much more radical manner, more dangerous (the amount of magic that she holds) and less empathetic in comparison to her contemporary.

Along with Magical Mystery Cure, The Cutie Remark is one of those finales where I am conflicted, not with the idea but more with the execution just that the latter hides its flaws behind the production by adding more action and an epic feeling in a few alternate universes, ending up as a quest for Twilight in order to counter argue her. It´s cool and all to see that in FiM but the transition is perhaps her worst part, almost as if we were talking about two different characters with that change.