Anon 02/08/2021 (Mon) 19:25:53 No.7273 del
>they have Pony Life and the new show is called My Little Pony Pony Life That is just odd and concerning.

what the...? I have had to read it again and it´s true. They word it as if gen 5 will be called like that. Either the article mixed it up with the spin off (season 2 is being released) or they are going to repeat the names, which would overlap and cause some unnecessary confusions. It would be as confusing (and stupid) as Nintendo calling their next gen console Wii U and people believed that it was a complementary peripheral for the previous console.

>8... you need 8 at least.
how about using a big bucket and a barrel instead?

>I'm going to have to watch Pony Life after all if Hasbro suddenly decides it's part of the cannon, somehow

I think that time will tell us what they will be based on or how they are going to mix it for this new gen. It should take you a shorter time to catch up because episodes follow a 11 minute runtime, so maybe you could easily watch entire season in a single weekend (or even less).

>it being called Pony Life probably means Pony Life as a toy line did sell, how will this impact the plot? No idea
I think that Hasbro does an annual report later this month about their yearly economic development. However, I believe that Hasbro mixes the net income of all their 1st party franchises, not just MLP, and this might make it harder to spot if said toy line has turned out to be successful. I must say that there hasn´t been any toy line as deployed as Pony Life´s since the movie at least.

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